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How to support your Young People with their exam results

Results day has arrived, and lots of our young people have been receiving their results. We're so proud of how far all our young people have come! They've worked very hard and tried their best, which is all we can ask for. For young people who didn't get the results they were hoping for, it can feel like a bump in the road. But rest assured, you can always move forward with your results and find a Plan B, and sometimes our Plan B turns out to be the best thing to happen to us! You've all got bright future ahead of you, it just takes time and persistence, and you can all do it if you put your mind to it! We know you can... so you need to believe in yourself too!

So what can we do as carers to support our young people?

1. Encourage your child to speak about how they feel Regardless of how the results have come in, encourage your young person to speak about the future and where they want to go. This will give them time to discuss any anxieties or hopes they might have after receiving their results. It may help them feel clearer about their options once they have a plan.

2. Celebrate your child, whatever their results Whatever results your child received, results day comes after years of hard work, so it’s important they feel celebrated. Employers look for a range of skills and these qualifications can be a stepping stone to exciting opportunities including study, apprenticeships, work, travel and more. 3. Avoid comparison with others It can be easy for young people to compare themselves to their peers, but each child is unique and their results are too. Avoid comparing your child to family members or their friends, and instead focus on their own specific achievements.

4. Allow your child to take their time Your child may find it hard to talk to you about their results so be patient and supportive until they feel ready to discuss about how they feel. Encourage them to speak to their school, college or university. Help them to make a Plan B and allow them to take their time to think about what they want to do next. Whatever their results, there are lots of options available and there is more than one route into most careers. Help them think about their choices by writing down a list of pros and cons for each of their options.

5. Encourage your child to speak to another trusted adult A safe adult – whether this is a teacher or another family member – can help to give useful perspective and advice. They can also talk to their supervising social worker at any time of the day! Schools and colleges are well equipped to provide support and expertise on next steps, and your child’s teachers are usually their best first port of call however we will always be available to talk.

Young people can also talk to a professional careers adviser for free and get judgment-free, confidential information and advice via the National Careers Service Exam Results helpline, via phone on 0800 100 900 or use webchat.

If you have any topics you would like to speak about, or if you have any blog ideas you would like to share with everyone please feel free to get in touch with me on


Rebecca :)

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